Maya Angelou writes well about what it means to be human. In this poem, she captures the idea of our connection, our community, our need to be a part of something outside ourselves.
Can you think of other poems (remember, song lyrics are just poems set to music) in which the writer addresses the same topic?
Can you memorize this poem? Recite it in front of the class for BONUS points.
Can you memorize this poem? Recite it in front of the class for BONUS points. Here is simply the text of "The Arrivals". "Your great mistake is to act the drama as if you are alone...." Listen to David recite his poem - no, LISTEN to it. "The Journey" - BY FAR this is a most important piece of encouragement. Look and listen to the way David Whyte reads this piece of imagery, sometimes repeating for impression.
Mary Oliver Oh, you really should listen to this amazing poet as she reads some of her best poems.
I expecially adore "Wild Geese" - the opening line says to us, "You do not have to be good..."
I don't know about you, but I need daily to hear those words, " do not have to be good..."
I need to remember that I do not need to 'be' anything.